Press Relations - Public Relations

Most marketers recognise the value of running Press Relations programmes, or more accurately these days, Media Relations campaigns. This could and often does include everything from writing material and getting it placed in the media, to the complete management of press conferences and fully integrated media campaigns. And when we say media this means print & online, social media, blogs – the lot – whether at local, European or global level.

Extending Marcom Services

Maybe your marcom department is fully equipped to handle all of this. But then again maybe it could do with professional support that can help you extract the most from your efforts and budget. You need close contacts with editors and journalists. You need high-profile media programmes. You need effective distribution of your news and key marketing messages. Then dare we say it – you need BlueBadger. With experienced writers on-board, we have the necessary technical competence to understand state-of-the-art technologies, products, services, markets & applications; write about them and place them where it counts

Critical Content

We generate positive information about your company. We distribute it to the vertical and horizontal media, exposing your successes. We then use this same information to help create critical Content for your website, social media, blogs, etc. Thriving on this Content, SEO activities can then operate at an optimum level and help drive traffic to your website.
Press Releases

We’re all familiar with how media releases work. Important product, service or corporate information about your company is effectively written and distributed to the media known to cover your target audiences & markets. Choosing the right image to support the Release will help achieve increased coverage. To continually build recognition of your company with the media should be one of your marketing objectives – keeping them fully informed by sending releases, articles, exhibition & event info, new business wins, and so on.

Articles & Case Studies

Editors are always interested in receiving articles or Case Studies that inform their readers. Latest technologies, new applications, case studies and technical product features are all newsworthy potential for media coverage. Choosing the right media for your article is critical. Making sure that it’s in the right editorial environment will maximise your market readership. Features on specific markets, technologies or product types can make all the difference when it comes to positively influencing customers. At BlueBadger we can handle all this for you, ensuring that keywords and phrases are agreed with you in advance and woven into your articles and media releases for SEO success.


Getting you face to face with editors or journalists is a worthwhile mission – or even if it’s talking together on the other end of the phone. It gives you both the opportunity to build relationships, talk about your company and products or services. Helps to get your marketing messages out there – helping to achieve your marketing objectives.


Life would be so much easier if everyone spoke the same language but they don’t… and if you want to grow your European market or beyond, you should, out of courtesy alone translate your messages into the appropriate languages. It’s what we do all the time – and it works. Technical or otherwise, it shows the reader you care.

Distribution/List Building

Distribution of material is a critical part of the operation. It could be the best Release about the best product in the world but if it’s not getting to the right audience – the objective is defeated. Media selection is key, but your news material is not just for the media. It should also be sent to your customer base. No reason either why we can’t build you a tailor-made email list to broaden your outlook and make the most of your news ‘content’.

Content Marketing

We go to great lengths to make sure content that we do produce is optimised for the web. The placement of this is then critical to make the content work as hard as it can. This type of marketing is now a key activity in the SEO armoury – you give something away once to gain trust and reep the rewards multiple times over. Each industry has a different approach to what works best for them. To see how BlueBadger could make Content Marketing work hard for you then give us call.